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About Ester


I am certified life coach with my Bachelor's degree in both Psychology and Sociology. 


I have worked with individuals from all walks of life and ages and helped coach clients into obtaining mental health wellness from anxiety, stress, time management, and improving communication skills within family members and personal relationships with partners.


Working as a Rape Abuse Incest Crisis Counsellor in the past allowed me to help guide clients with obtaining quick on the spot emergency crisis plans of action to get out of unfavourable living conditions that were detrimental for their mental health wellness.


I also understand the power of how energy can affect the individual's overall mental health wellness and cause physical stress on the body. I like to combine the ideas of wholeness from mind, body, and soul. I have learned that when the body is holding onto traumatic stress and events from their past, this can be trapped in various parts of the body. By helping clients discover how their personal emotional trauma affected their bodies and overall lifestyle, I have been successful in helping clients becoming their most successful selves. I love working with women and married couples overcome interpersonal issues and feel healthier and happier.


When I am not working on my coaching practice, I enjoy volunteering with Soup Kitchens, and various non-profit events to help out in my community. I am a firm believer that whatever energy you give out into the world will come back to you ten fold. Do amazing things and help the lives of others, and you will live a blessed life as well, making you humble and happier.



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